Shopping Cart

Cart Items
${{Math.round(cart.main.currentPrice)}} x {{cart.guests}} Guests
${{Math.round(cart.main.currentPrice * cart.guests)}}
${{Math.round(addon.currentPrice)}} x {{cart.guests }} Guests
${{Math.round(addon.currentPrice * cart.guests)}}
${{Math.round(extra.product.currentPrice)}} x {{extra.qty }}
${{Math.round(extra.product.currentPrice * extra.qty)}}
Cart Summary
Event Date {{cart.order_date}}
Cart Subtotal: ${{Math.round(subTotal)}}
Promo Discount: ${{couponDiscountAmount}}
Shipping: ${{Math.round(cart.shipping_charge)}}
Subtotal: TOTAL: ${{netTotal > 0 ? netTotal : Math.round(netTotal)}}

Shipping and discounts to be applied at checkout.

Shipping to be applied at checkout.

Discounts to be applied at checkout.

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